
Workplace Wellbeing

Improved wellbeing is good for business. I help local businesses in the Bristol and South West area to focus on their wellbeing for staff. 69% of office workers would like their employer to do more to help with their health and wellbeing (Source: Vitality and CBI Economics).

There is an expectation today that you have a responsibility for keeping your staff healthy. But it’s not all one way: the benefits and return on investment are high.

How can I help? Having spent over two decades in the corporate world, I know how stress, poor diet and a sedentary lifestyle impact on health and productivity. The number of employees taking long-term absence with stress-induced conditions is at an all-time high. My passion now is empowering people to thrive – and businesses to flourish. In addition to bespoke corporate health coaching programmes, I offer stand-alone workshops – either delivered at your offices or remotely.

What do I offer?

I will tailor your corporate wellbeing programme to your requirements. This could be: a one-off workshop /wellness talk or a series of wellbeing workshops/wellness talks on relevant themes.

Popular themes that I cover are: ‘How to manage stress’, ‘How to manage our personal energy’, ‘how to bring our best selves to work’, ;how to boost our productivity’, ‘how to stay fit and healthy when working from home’, ‘how to stay fit and healthy when travelling for work’.

I also arrange wellbeing walks and talks and can combine this with a coaching session for a group or individuals. In addition I offer 1-1 coaching for individuals who may require specific coaching for their health and wellbeing e.g. if they require support returning to work after maternity leave, struggling with menopause/hormone imbalances, stress leave or bereavement.

I can run the workshops at a time that is convenient for your organisation, e.g. ‘Lunch’n’Learn’, Team meetings, Breakfast workshops or away days. I prefer face to face for employee engagement but can also accommodate online meetings.

To find our more how I can help you support and empower your team please get in touch.